Friday, February 08, 2008

I still knit?

I have been knitting, just not alot. I got one of the socks finished and have about 5 rows on the second one finished so not very much. I knit a wee giraffe but it looks a bit funky because its solid blue! I will have photos of both soon Ive just not done much of anything lately.
I have however knit on my MS3! Yes Ive picked that back up and have made some progress. Its all slow going mind you because I seem to have just lost all my knitting mojo that I normally seem to have loads of. All the knitting rush for christmas has now left me blah.. Its not the knittings fault its just I seem to go through these phases anyways.
I read Friday Night Knitting Club I so enjoyed that book. Ive got more books out the back I want to read but I havent picked another one out yet instead I been watching telly.
And speaking of watching telly Im going to flick around some blogs and go back to watching it afterwards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean about losing your knitting mojo, i'm struggling to pick stuff up myself at the moment. ah well...