Monday, January 05, 2009

A Year In Review

For my yearly round up this year I managed to knit (and 1 crochet) 23 complete project and carry two over from 2007 and finish them as well so that takes my total to 25!
Cinnamon Goodness Baby Gritgahn Wooly Quant Rainbow Quant Snow White Pomatomus Baby Sweater MS3 Blue Brompton Wrapped in a Hug Yosemite Mr Wonderful Misty Garden Juno Road To Golden Baby Sweater 2 Baby Bumps 3 pairs of Oatmeal Mitts 2 Manly Campus Scarfs Winter Warmer Beret Monkeys Most worked on Socks Ever Silver Princess
Ive linked all of those to Flickr instead of clouding this with pictures. I know people (like me) prefer to look at photos but I was being nice. My fav items were the pomatomus, silver princess, wrapped in a hug, ms3 and winter warmer they are the ones I wear most. I have to rework my arms and neck on road to golden they are to big now. The baby stuff all went down a treat with the two Mums and the gifts (monkeys most ever socks 2 scarfs and 3 mitts) those were all enjoyed as well. :) I am actually knitting another scarf and pir of mitts now to give to his parents because the felt a bit left out with just socks.. HAHAHAH yes I found that cute and funny but didnt miss the chance to knit something for someone I know would be enjoyed! :)

I only did 4 sewing projects Im surprised by that for some reason I thought I done more? But umm I didnt after looking at that! The covers were only temps and we now have different ones that look MUCH better.. The skirt well its way to big on my now I will eventualy take the sides in and make it fit again but for now its just sat in the drawer folded up nicely. The PJ Bottoms are my favs and loved them during the summer/autumn nights but now its winter they again are folded up waiting for slightly warmer weather to be worn. Sorry they just aint warm! :) and the placemats and napkins were a gift to my Mom and her and JJ (step dad) loved them. I hope shes letting him use them now and not taking them off the table when dinner is served to be replaced my "older" ones... ahahha
Stripy Skirt Placemats and Napkins Dinky Cushion Covers PJ Bottoms

Hope you all had a lovely 2008 I did and I hope you have a wonderful 2009!!

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